Dig AWAY! My first blog of what I hope will be many. Imagine a precious stone buried deep under the earth- layers and layers of sediment and dirt piled on top, years and years' worth. Hundreds (maybe even thousands) of years' worth of dirt bury this stone. Well then, how do we uncover this stone? There can be a natural disaster that can devastate the area and uncover the stone. That is always a possibility but not a desirable one because it will likely cause pain and much suffering. The other way to uncover the covered stone is to work the area. We must dig. Dig, dig, dig away all that sediment. Once the work is done we can uncover the stone and uncover what was there all along. I know you have already figured out that the stone is you. The work is uncovering who you TRULY are. You are uncovering the truth. Like this metaphorical precious stone, you are beautiful and illuminating. You have so much beauty that you can share, but you are buried deep in sediment. The sediment is the limited beliefs about yourself. How do you recognize that we were buried under sediment? More than likely, you began to have feelings of not being happy or complete. Possibly a deep unhappiness arose that you could not shake off. Love might be an illusory concept to you. Maybe illness or the many other earthly things that can occur in this human journey made us deeply unhappy or unfulfilled. Next you had a desire for something more! Unfortunately, it is possible that when feel this desire this something more, we cannot identify what it actually is. The something more can be a desire to be happy. It can be a desire for peace or a desire for a joy-filled life. It can be to know love or maybe even to know your life's purpose. To achieve the desired outcome, you must DIG! You will need to pull all the tools you have, or find some new tools and dig. It may be a book on self-help, metaphysics or spirituality. Read it. If it engenders fear, put it down and find something else. You cannot find your happiness through fear. It is when you find the tool that helps you recognize your true self that you can know was the proper tool. For me it was many, many books- and many teachers. (Note: I have listed many great books below. They all have given me such insight into knowing my true self. The work that helped me the most and remains to be my daily work is A Course in Miracles.) Once we have uncovered that the sediment that held us down is our limited beliefs about ourselves we can begin to see the true beauty of Self. You will see that beautiful precious stone. You are changing the way you see yourself, others, and the world. You are removing the sediment! As I mentioned, it is work. At times it might even be difficult, but in the end, it is well worth it. Digging out that rock layer by layer and getting to the true essence of who we are is everything. It is no longer believing any limited thoughts about yourself. It is living a joy-filled life. It is knowing that this is your true inheritance because this is who you truly are! It is uncovering the truth! I want for each of you to find the tool that will help you most uncover your truth. I pray for your peace and for your joy. I pray for you to find your true beauty and your rightful inheritance: love. A Course In Miracles
Divine Partnership by Dr. Nicholas Demetry Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives by Michael Newton The New Earth by Eckhart Tolle Awakening Love - Spiritual Healing in Psychology and Medicine by Nicholas C. Demetry, M.D. Your Inner Awakening by Byron Katie The Disappearance of the Universe by Gary Renard Untethered Soul by Michael Singer Surrender Experiment by Michael Singer Impersonal Self by Joseph Benner The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz Living the Wisdom of the Tao by Dr. Wayne Dyer Polishing the Mirror by Ram Dass God - a story of Revelation by Deepak Chopra The Lifetimes When Jesus and Buddha Knew Each Other by Gary R. Renard Your Immortal Reality - How to Break the Cycle of Birth and Death by Gary R. Renard Love Has Forgotten No One - The Answer to Life by Gary R. Renard 7 Lessons From Heaven - How Dying Taught Me to Live a Joy-Filled Life by Mary C. Neal, M.D. Energy Medicine for Women by Donna Eden Energy Medicine by Donna Eden Stillness Speaks by Eckhart Tolle The Bhagavad Gita translated by Juan Mascaro A Thousand Names for Joy by Byron Katie Loving What is - Four Questions that Can Change Your Life by Byron Katie Dying to be Me by Anita Moorjani The Shift by Wayne Dyer Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert The Most Commonly Asked Questions of ACIM by Gloria Wapnick and Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D. Journey Without Distance by Robert Skutch Forgiveness and Jesus: Meeting Place of ACIM and Christianity by Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.
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AuthorSharing herself, her "story" and her insight toward a happier life. The goal is for us to recognize who we are; in oneness, love and happiness. Archives
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